Questions to Ask to Your Pediatrician About Introducing Solid Foods to Little One

Baby at Doctor

Whether you are interviewing pediatricians or are starting to think about what you need to start thinking about once your baby arrives, here are some overall questions to ask your pediatrician to ensure you receive the tailored advice you need to successfully introduce these foods into your baby’s diet.  

  • Are you aware of all the updated dietary guidelines? 
  • If I am breastfeeding should I cut allergens out of my diet?
  • Is my child considered high risk for developing a food allergy?
  • Which allergy-causing foods should I introduce first? 
  • How soon after introducing solid foods should I give my baby a food that commonly causes allergic reactions like peanut?  
  • Will I prevent my baby from getting peanut allergy if I follow the guidelines and introduce peanuts early? 
  • Can I give my baby multiple allergy-causing foods at the same time? 
  • How often and for how long should I feed my baby peanut-containing foods?   
  • What should I do if my baby starts to have one symptom of an allergic reaction? What about multiple symptoms? At what point should I contact your office?   
  • Are there special considerations if I have another child at home with food allergies?